Saturday, November 04, 2006

Okay, that didn't work

Hmmmm. I have a link, but not an image. Shite. Now I have to find a book on HTML. I was in a hurry yesterday because I wasn't really working. I'd left work early (doctor's appt. and just p o'd in general) and came back to give Nicole a break because she was the only one left in the dept. and we get forgotten at breaktime if we don't do the "squeaky wheel" thing: "Hey! Could someone please give me a break in here? My whole dept. has abandoned me!" I had a 25 minute wait for my medication. Great, I go off one medication and I have to go back on three! I'm blogging my medical conditions elsewhere, though, so just accept that I came back for 15 minutes to give Nicole a break.
So, while I was sitting out here at the desk, I thought I'd noodle a bit. I'd seen Shannon's great map on her blog and I was jealous. So I went to World66 (No. 14) and tried to make a map. That wasn't working. I should at least have seen some touches of red in Europe. And all of NA. So I tried just the US and had to do that twice before it showed me where I'd been. Nicole was coming back and I hurriedly cut and pasted the URL, but it didn't turn out as I expected. Hmmmmmm.

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