Friday, December 29, 2006


Bookmarklets: they're just something else thought up by codemonkeys to drive us crazy. Little bits of code, lurking for some purpose that I haven't found a need for yet ... bleagh.
Okay, I went to Wikipedia ages ago and tried one, but somehow either screwed it up, or didn't understand what I was doing. I have since gone back and tried again. Now, on the CR workroom computer I have a bookmarklet that will look up a word for me in W. either by my highlighting it or by giving me a prompt box tp type it into. Phew! Now, how that's so much shorter than just having a bookmark (excuse me, "Favorite" for Wikipedia) is beyond me. They had me put it under the "Links" folder in Favorites which means I have to click on that and then on my bookmarklet. If I had Wikipedia itself on Favorites, I'd be there in one click.
Of course, then I would have to type in the word ... how long will that take? Oh, soooo useful. I think I'll go use it for a while and see if I get excited. I really need the knowledge of how to make my own ... after I get the inspiration for an idea of what I'd like a bookmarklet to do.
Maybe there's a bookmarklet that will suddenly make the page look like I'm working.

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