Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ha ha - Plaxo tries to be funny.

Let's see, how many websites do I subscribe to that are supposed to control the clutter in my life? Bloglines is supposed to aggregate my RSS feeds. ClaimID wants to manage my on-line identity. Google wants to host my e-mail, photos, videos, blogs, groups, etc. I have at least six e-mail addresses that are current.

Now Plaxo wants to coordinate my calendars, address books, and all the other little social networks that have me scattered like seed beads after the cat's been playing on my work table. What a great idea! I'm more scattered on the internet than seed beads after my cat's been playin' on my work table. If only ...

Well, I have to say this much, it did coordinate my calendars. Now I can add something to my Yahoo calendar or the Plaxo calendar and it will appear on both. I don't see it showing how to differentiate between business and personal calendars, though.

There is also a feed that shows everything I entered as one of my websites (that I was able to enter - I can't get it to recognize thingie, Bloglines, or Blogger ... ironic because I have a Plaxo widget on this page now!). This is called Pulse. It will not only show my additions to these sites (when I post more photos to Flickr, mini-blog to Twitter, etc.), but also when my contacts do. It will even check my address books to see if anyone else therein is signed up for Plaxo. I was surprised to find my cousin's son, my friend in Hong Kong, and good old Jane Connor at the State Library! You can also p-o your other friends by having Plaxo invite them, which I haven't done for Yahoo Messenger or anything else, so I'm not about to start.

Just so that I don't feel this has made my life any more stress-free, there is an option to have count-downs to events on your calendar! 54 more days to my husband's birthday!
No pressure, Plaxo!!!

Oooo, look! The editor of our local paper has been sucked into my social vortex! This is the business version of the Pulse page. On the left you can see that I can select other feeds: everyone, friends, family, just little me ...

The calendar, showing what's up for tomorrow, and the infamous countdowns.
Oh, no! What am I getting Bob for his birfday??!!
I've got my cursor over the Yahoo link to show that it last sync'd
with Plaxo almost three hours ago.

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