Friday, October 22, 2010

SCLA Part 1 - Best Books Forward

The first session I attended was about the SC Center for Children's Books and Literacy at USC where I always knew we could go and preview children's books for purchase ... and then not have to put them away ourselves (Shocking!  However would we stop ourselves?!).  It does make you want to visit, but it seems so far away.

Ellen Hinrichs was not able to make it, but Nonie Price chatted about the Center and enlightened us about Cocky's Learning Express.  The USC mascot travels to elementary schools all over the state (even in the upstate, where he may or may not make an appearance with that Tiger) to encourage children to read.  This is a program for children from K4 to 3rd grade and each child is able to take home a book.  Must speak to Debbie about this.  At the moment the USC students have been doing this for free, but may soon have to ask for mileage and a Kiwanis sponsorship would not go amiss there.  They can certainly do a few elementary schools in one trip.  Apparently, it makes all the difference if Cocky hands you a book - but one would hope it would not cause any problems in households of the orange persuasion.

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