Monday, May 18, 2009

Augh! The Toes! The Tooooes!

Fearless Fourteen (A Stephanie Plum Novel) Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
Stephanie is still dithering between Ranger and Morelli, as always. She claims to want to be the perfect housewife, which is what Morelli wants (well, he just wants her to stop getting involved in dangerous stuff) and even though she's not that good at it, she persists in the bounty-hunting. She wants to be a Sadie, and Ranger has ruled that out, so she just works for him occasionally. I did notice that sleeping with him has not spoiled her taste for anyone else, so that was a mistake. Again with the sexual tension. Is not Evanovich married?! Doesn't she know that it still goes on?

Anyway, the book contains the usual loony characters: Grandma, Stoner Mooner, with the addition of possible Morelli-spawn teenager "Zook." The book introduces what may be a recurring nemesis in the "press" - aging cosmetic-surgery addict and failing pop star, "Brenda" (think of an unstable Dolly Parton). While her complicated personal life just drags on, dead people show up, fortune-hunters try digging up Joe's lawn, and a minimum amount of property damage (for one of these books) occurs.

However, just when you think Evanovich is going to go hard-boiled on you, she pulls the punch. I finished this late at night, so I may have missed something, but [spoiler:] Where did the toes come from?! Actual damage to important characters used to happen (poor Lula!). Explain the tooooooes!

View all my reviews.

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