Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Royal Revolution

The Prince And Betty The Prince And Betty by P.G. Wodehouse

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars

Kindle Edition
Wow! What a little socialist Wodehouse was! And how much more violent his books were in the early days! Of course, because it's Wodehouse, the actual violence against the lead characters is kept to a minimum, but OMG! he almost killed one off! And his characters are trying to clean up what can only be described as a section of Hell's Kitchen on the east side!

After becoming Prince For a Day, our Mr. Maude rejects la vie royale once it's pointed out by the woman he loves that he's being a patsy. Then the story switches back to being about her (she started the book). Wodehouse gets you interested in one story and then jerks you out of it to another, leaving you wondering and wondering. But I thought this story was about ...

One thing I have to say about these early books is that Wodehouse appeared to be a big fan of boxing. Hardly a book goes by without a match or a retired boxer cropping up.

View all my reviews.

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