Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've added a del.icio.us button and counter (it only counts adding to del.icio.us) to my blog here. Still not quite sure about del.icio.us, but signed up for it. I signed up for it because I found a bookmark at the site on Bob. Well, what's that all about, eh? He had a huge flurry of visits to his YouTube site and we were trying to figure it out. It has since died down. So far I've understood that del.icio.us will save your bookmarks from one computer to another, but it also shares your bookmarks with others (if you post to del.icio.us ... and, boy, is that annoying to type out). So I can have all my bookmarks at my finger tips if I have to move from one computer to another, without starting over or leaving them to clutter up other people's bookmarks/favorites lists. Gosh, how could I have lived so long without this. sigh. Sorry it doesn't fit in the space well with this blog, but it looks much better on my other blog.

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