Saturday, October 04, 2008

Update on Sherman Alexie, 2007 winner National Book Award for Young People's Literature

I was catching up on my sex advice recently by reading my favorite advice column when I noticed a question about a Native American fetish that was answered by the above-named author. Because one of the most popular features of this blog seems to be reviews of YA books (notably Alexie's below), I'm not going to link to it, hilarious as it was. I'm sure, though, that any middle-schooler worth his or her cheetohs can track it down with no trouble. If anyone my age is interested, send me a note and I'll point you in the right direction.
All you middle-schoolers might be more interested in his book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian...considering there might possibly be something naughty in there, eh? Might actually be worth reading it - the whole thing, you know, not just culling my blog for plot information so you can fake a book report.
Who do you think you're fooling when you do that, eh? I bet you make your mom type it up for you, too, because you're too busy with soccer practice. When I was a girl, we used to have to cross the trackless mud floes to get to school, uphill both ways. We had to write our own book reports by actually reading most of the book and when I say "write" I mean actually write it out on paper with an actual pen we had to make from a quill off of an eagle we trapped with our bare hands (which explains why they were on the verge of extinction). Then we had to gather berries and crush them for ink, unless berries were out of season and then we had to use our own blood.
Where was I? Oh, yeah. We didn't have these fancy computer things when I was a girl where you could look up other people's homework and just cut and paste it into a document. Teachers actually taught stuff, too, instead of spending three quarters of the year teaching us to pass some stupid test to make sure no politico was left behind in the race for government funds. I went back for my 20th college reunion about (mumble mumble) years ago and one of my professors said that ours was the last class that could actually think. We challenged her on that. "Oh, you say that to all the alums!" we chided. "Nope," she said, "it's true. The students now can spew out facts, but they can't make sense of them or use them in any way. They can't draw conclusions."
So, what conclusion do I draw from this? Oh, man, our future is soo effed!

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