Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New Widget!

In case you're interested, and I'm sure you're not, the reason the blog comes up so slowly now is that I've added yet another widget.
"Why, Marfie?" you ask, tearing your hair. Oh, because I can. And it was so easy.
There's a new guy (R. A. Meyer) for October's Charlotte-Mecklenberg Library 2.1 learning thingie and because he hasn't actually put anything up yet (to date), I went to his blog, The Internet Can Change Your Life.
Waaaay down there was an entry on widgets, cute little tools you can add to your website or blog. I already have a poo-load of them, but I combed the list at until I found something new I thought I could insert into this blog: the widget that shows the last few things I added to, which is a sort of traveling bookmark. Yes, we all have bookmark/favorite functions on our internet programs, but if you move to another computer (and I have one at home as well as two here at work I use), you have to find the site all over again and mark it. And what if you are out of town on business and, like me, you don't have a laptop? Or what if you are a library patron and you don't always get the same computer?
Post to (I hate typing that with all the periods so I usually just call it Thingie which unfortunately renders it indistinguishable from other Thingies)! Once it's on Thingie, you can access it from anywhere and find other people who marked it at well. Another step, and you can discover more interesting sites from their Thingie collections. Yes! It's a social bookmarking!
You can also mark your own blog or site and see how many other people marked it. I used this to see who and how many people linked to Bob's sites.
Right now the widget is a huge list, but perhaps if I add to it, it will show only the most recently ones. And perhaps after a while it will become a nuisance and I will ditch it. Only Time Will Tell.
Widgets: Not Just For Breakfast Anymore!

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