My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was an e-book from Jasmine Overdrive.
Why I had not heard of Christopher Hitchens before being introduced to god Is Not Great is beyond me. I read gING in a day (staying up all night with my heart in my mouth because he was not pulling any punches) and suddenly Hitchens is on my radar. In this memoir, Hitchens exposes his life, owns up warts and all, with more modesty than apology. In fact, he takes as much pride in his communist/socialist past, it seems, as in his newly minted American citizenship, which required a Bosnian Muslim cabdriver in the US to knock him off the fence.
Hitchen's life makes one (by that I mean specifically me) feel like they have gone nowhere, seen nothing, met no one, and accomplished buggerall. And I moved to Manhattan and tried to break into theatre.
Hitchens was a journalist who actually used English and I'm sorry I was not exposed to it soon enough. I don't totally agree with him in the gING book - although I am a fellow atheist, but I could have used that sort of writing on other topics to put some besom in me at a younger age.
Now suffering from the same cancer that killed his father, Hitchens is a figure of quiet and, if not steely, perhaps platinum composure. I wish him the best.
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