Aside from blogging about the BlogHer conference, I decided to take a babystep toward giving a higher profile to my blogs. I can tweet about it, plurk about it, pownce on it ... and another idea that was given, was to link up with and get an idea of how many people visit my blog and what they are actually reading. As far as I know, Julie (Hi, Julie!) is the only person (she's not, Hi, Tammy!) who reads this blog and she even leaves a comment now and then. This inclines me to read hers. But I'd really like to know, in a general sense, if there are any other people reading my blog, etc., but just not leaving comments.
I have information like this on Flickr, and I found it fascinating. I check it every morning. What photos were looked yesterday? How many times? Were they direct traffic? Did someone post my photo on
their site? Dead useful info!

So I signed up for this lijit thing. Wheee! Take a look below!These are my ligit stats.

Ooo, a pie chart! Doncha just love those? There's a graph showing the number of hits my sites (the ones I've included) get every day (oooo!), the pie chart breaking it down into sources (how many googled? how many direct?), a list of the locations in the world that accessed my sites, and a handy map showing the viral spread of the marfnet! See the little dot off the coast of China? Who could that be? (Hi, Marleeeeeene!)
There is also a widget, the lijit "wijit," that will search a list of your included sites. No one has used that yet. I might at some point, when I've lost track of what I'm writing about where. This is embedded in my blogs.
Another really useful statistic is a list of popular search terms. What were they looking for when they found your site? Information like this will help me pander to the lowest common denominator - mwah-ha-haaaa! - and tailor future blogs to lure in the unsuspecting, people who really
are looking for someone named Richard Hertz (Dr. Dick to the rest of us).
I really enjoy this tool! (Hee! I said "tool"!)
Since starting to work for Lijit, I've been turned into something of a stats junkie. I'm glad you're enjoying them as well. The stat that I find the most useful is "searches that people have done that return no results". You can find this information on the searches tab within your stats. I love this information because that tells you what your readers are looking for that you don't have any content about. This lets you know that you have a gap in your content and alerts you to things you should be writing about.
Thanks for the post!
I’m Curious, as the founder of the Publisher’s Union of Bloggers (P.U.B.), was the revenue stream for us publishers ever discussed by any of those widget gals at Blogher?
P.U.B. expected to hear back from the Lijit people regarding our P.U.B. questionnaire concerning financial and private statistics issues we sent to Lijit in mid April 2008. So far all we’ve read is a public blog response from a Lijit employee advising Lijit has no money (I think it was Tara!), and more recently, we received an email from Lijit’s CEO, Todd Vernon, attacking P.U.B. and falsely accusing we are writing fictitious emails. Any actual answers to our questions about the use of Publisher’s stats, or revenue as it applies to Lijit? Nada. Nothing.
Did you hear anything at Blogher along these lines? P.U.B.’s job is to fight for Gal and Guy Publishers asking these hard questions. If all Widget companies respond as Lijit’s done up to this point, P.U.B. has a big workload ahead for defending Publishers.
If P.U.B. gets a straight answer on topic from Lijit, we will let great Blog Publishers like you know their exact revenue/statistics use/sharing deal. If you do, with your connections, please give us a heads up.
Barney Moran
Founder, P.U.B.
Facilitator, Daddy Boot Camp, Boulder, CO.
Ha! I'm sorry, but as near as I can tell, the whole PUB thing is nothing but a joke. A first-page google search reveals that this guy does nothing but hound Lijit, and I found nothing that implies that he has ever asked any other company for security information. I'll bet his "union" is a union of 1. Does anybody else smell disgruntled former employee?
As far as I'm concerned, Lijit rocks!
This is sooo effing awesome! Not only are people, actual real people, reading my blog, but they're starting arguments! /me falls over geeking out!
Thank you, tarable, and everyone else. All three of youse. HAHAHAHA! Oh, the power! the power!
::waves to Marf::
Oooh! Fighting! Cool!
Yay, Tammy!
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