If you're like me, the idea of a summer reading program based on sports and being active is 1) a contradiction in terms and b) just not your thing. I rejected the idea of sports-oriented storytimes, even though I'd be doing them in a park. At the last minute, though, I changed my mind. Work out of your comfort zone, I told myself. There are plenty of picture books about sports and games. It's only eight storytimes. You can do this!
Yes, there are plenty of books, but not that many flannelboards or fingerplays. Oh, there's "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." I searched all over the internet and found some football related flannelboard stuff - but football (Amurrikin football) is a fall thing. And basketball is a winter thing. And summers down here are just too darn hot.
But I decided I could make up my own stuff, so I will share it here with you. Some may have been inspired by bits and pieces I've seen elsewhere, but most of this is just my own work. Have fun with them!
Hi-Ho It's Baseball Time!
The pitcher's on the mound,
The pitcher's on the mound,
Hi-Ho, it's baseball time,
The pitcher's on the mound.
The catcher's at the plate ...
The batter's in the box ...
The umpire calls the strikes ...
The fielder catches flies ...
The shortstop makes the play ...
The runner's out at third ...
The runner's safe at home ...
The crowd stands and cheers ...
The Ball In the Air
The ball in the air goes round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The ball in the air goes round and round
In the baseball field.
The bat in the hand goes swish-swish-swish ...
In the baseball field.
The glove on the hand goes up and down ...
In the baseball field.
The batter who hit goes 'round the bases ...
In the baseball field.
The umpire at the base yells, "Yeeeer out!" ...
In the baseball field.
Hi Ho It's Soccer Time!
The ball is out of bounds,
The ball is out of bounds,
Hi ho, it's soccer time,
The ball is out of bounds.
The player scores a goal ...
The yellow card is up ...
The player is offside ...
The whistle stops the play ...
(Yes, I know I'm overdoing this format)
We'll Be Running Down the Field
We'll be running down the field, yes we will.
We'll be running down the field, yes we will.
We'll be running down the field
When we play soccer for real.
We'll be running down the field, yes we will.
We'll be dribbling with our feet, yes we will.
We'll be dribbling with our feet, yes we will.
We'll be dribbling with our feet -
I thinks that's really neat!
We'll be dribbling with our feet, yes we will.
We will bounce the ball off ankles, knees, and head.
We will bounce the ball off ankles, knees, and head.
We will bounce the ball off ankles
'Cause using our hands rankles.
We will bounce the ball off ankles, knees, and head.
Head and Elbows, Knees and Toes
Head and elbows, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and elbows, knees and toes, knees and toes.
We don't use our hands to make a goal.
Head and elbows, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Splash and Kick
To "Down By the Station"
When the sun is shining,
I like to go swimming.
Swimming at the lake
Or swimming at the pool.
Splashing and kicking;
Water all around me.
Splash, splash, kick, kick,
Keeping cool.
I can dive.
(move hands flattened together)
I can swim.
(Swimming motion)
I can float
(hands out to sides with head thrown back)
And hold my breath.
(hold breath)
But dog paddle
(paddle like a dog)
Is the stroke
That I do best.
In My Swimming Pool
(To "Do Your Ears Hang Low")
I can stay real cool
In my little swimming pool.
On a sunny summer day
I can splash around and play.
When I wear my bathing suit,
I'll be cool and I'll be cute
In my swimming pool!
If You're Practicing For Football
If you're practicing for football, run in place.
If you're practicing for football, run in place.
If you want to play the game
Not to practice is a shame.
If you're practicing for football, run in place.
If you're practicing for football, touch your toes ...
If you're practicing for football, say "Hut-hut!"
Football Player
Football player, football player,
Throw the ball!
(Hold one hand back like you are going to throw a football)
Catch the pass!
(Pull both hands to chest as if catching a football)
Run and don't get tackled
(Pretend to run)
Run and don't get tackled
It's a touchdown! It's a touchdown!
(Hold both arms straight up to signal a touchdown.)
Martial Arts:
Only because there are those cute ninja books
Ninja, Ninja, Sneak Around
Ninja, ninja - sneak around.
Ninja, ninja - roll on the ground.
Ninja, ninja - climb up high.
Ninja, ninja - touch the sky.
Ninja, ninja - jump down low.
Ninja, ninja - go, go, go!
If You're a Ninja And You Know It!
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet! (Shhh!)
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet! (Shhh!)
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet! (Shhh!)
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Walk on tip-toe (Tip toe.) ...
If you're a ninja and you know it,
Say HIYAH! (HIYAH!) ...
Five Little Ninjas
Five little ninjas creeping through the door.
One said HIYAH!, and then there were four.
Four little ninjas climbing up a tree.
One said HIYAH!, and then there were three.
Three little ninjas with nothing to do.
One said HIYAH!, and then there were two.
Two little ninjas having so much fun.
One said HIYAH!, and then there was one.
One little ninja on the run.
He says HIYAH! and then there were none.
Five Little Ninjas Jumping On the Bed
(Don't tell me you can't figure this one out on your own!)
Five little ninjas jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more ninjas jumping on the bed!"
Don't forget that dance is highly athletic!
Ballet Dancer, Ballet Dancer
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, turn around.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, touch the ground.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, stand on your toes.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, strike a pose.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, stretch to the sky.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, lift a leg high.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, plié now.
Ballet dancer, ballet dancer, take a bow.