I haven't cartooned in a while (other than the one of Michael Stevens taking a picture of himself in a bathroom - what's that all about, Michael?!). I usually do it to relieve stress, but I think that I've been under such stress the past year or so that I just haven't been able to do it. I hope it's starting to let up and I can do a few of these every now and then.
This was an error I made today. The little girl survived and her mom actually thought her bug-eyes were funny. What happens is, the headphones plugs are pulled out just a tiny bit and then the connection is broken and the sound comes straight from the CPU. This drives me absolutely insane. It's especially bad when both game computers are going like this at the same time. I allow it when more than one kid or a kid and a parent are using it together. Otherwise, I rise like thunder and pointedly poke the plug back in.
This time, some previous user had turned the volume all the way up on the headphones, undoubtedly because the volume seemed low (coming as it was from the CPU into ears blocked with headphones).