What book did I burn? That's my secret. One copy won't be missed.

Lludmila prepares to throw a book on the bonfire.
This blog was started to chart my progress in the Staff Development exercise. That was then, this is now.
Lludmila prepares to throw a book on the bonfire.
Fireworks provided by cnyreject, with the campfire in the corner
There's nothing like a challenge. This time Lludmila bypasses the ski-lift (which was entertaining once) and takes the tp (teleport) back to the summit. On this run, she lost a ski ... and her foot. That's right, my avatar lost her foot. It's just a good thing the avatars don't die, or Lludmila would be in serious trouble: frostbite (she's still in Mayan princess garb), windburn, freezing temperatures, avalanches, blizzards, lost limbs ... Too bad I didn't think to take a picture of her with the foot gone, but it would probably only look as if her foot were in a snowbank.
Lludmila shows too much thigh as she admires the waterfall at Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza is just one of the high quality sims with educational (as well as entertainment) content in SecondLife. Also, there's no language barrier, bugs (well, there was a spider dangling down), amoebic dysentery ... what's not to like?