Lludmila, Hollyjean, Shiva, Sidney, Mossflower, and Wizard (with cat and duck) It started out fine. I thought this week's BookMooch social was going to be another calm, decorous soiree it always is and then Hollyjean shows up. I met Hollyjean at the Info Island reference desk, where there is usually a trained librarian fending off some masher dressed like something from "A Clockwork Orange" and speaking sweet nothings in Spanish at her while pretending to ask serious questions about Sloodle*. Okay, that was a really unusual occurance, but it had happened the night before. We had such fun sitting around schmoozing and kibbetzing that when she contacted me today I invited her to the social that had just started. Little did I know what a catalyst she was.
It all started out fine as she steered us towards actually discussing books. Titles and pronouncements
("P. G. Wodehouse Is God!!!") flew fast and furious ("I love
Dune. Anyone else love
Dune?" "The movie was great." "No, it wasn't." "Yes, it was." "No, it
wasn't." "
Yes - it - was!"), golly, it was just like the Algonquin Round Table. Only rectangular. And then someone, who-shall-remain-nameless-
Sidney, pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels with an animation that involved drinking straight from the bottle, weaving, waving arms, and then falling down dead drunk. Wizard Widdershins was so embarrassed by our behavior that he left, while we begged for him to leave his cat behind. Or was it the duck? Maybe the cow. He's an animal lover.
Anyway, I'm blaming Hollyjean because something like that would
never happen normally. Ahem.
* Sloodle is a mash-up of SecondLife and Moodle, a teaching tool. It comes with awesome classroom gestures such as "raise hand" and "drop off [to sleep]" and a blog entry screen (tiny) that will post the information to the Sloodle website.

There were three drunken maidens came from the Isle of Wight
... Lludmila, Sidney, and Hollyjean.